Monday, 30 January 2012
♥ Maaf Semua..
Hi semua! Firstly thank u kerana membaca blog saye. Maaf kepada kalian semua kerana mungkin gambar2 sebelum ini yg banyak telah di delete atas sebab- sebab tertentu. Well.. Saye hanyalah insan biasa yg sentiasa tidak lari dari membuat kesilapan.
Insyaallah saya akan menjadi lebih baik. ^__^
1/30/2012 06:26:00 pm
Thursday, 19 January 2012
♥ Terengganu Kite!
Hellow Darling! Salam.. Thiiih... (Senyum sengih ketat)
Well, haritu kami telah bercuti ke Terengganu. I've never been there kecuali Club Med je la. We've stayed here for a week. My husband and I and Cheng Ho with his lovely wife. :D
For me, east coast of the Peninsular is the real Malaysia. It’s cultural heartland. Indeed, there's so many colourful villages, the islands with comfortable chalets, the beach, and also keropok lekor! Travel to the east coast has made me forget Kuala Lumpur’s fast pace, hectic traffic and people on the move. The relaxed pace makes it an ideal place to visit and there are resorts where it’s possible to chill and relax..
Pasar Payang is a must-visit place. Located just a few minutes walk north along the pier from the inter city bus station and Located just by the Sungai Terengganu. It is the lifeline of Kuala Terengganu and one of the most popular tourist spots in Terengganu, for shopping and also to have a taste of life in Terengganu. Me? Shoppinglaaa! Apa lagi.. Hihi!
So! What about keropok lekor? Semua pun tahu kan kat sini memang famous dengan lekor.
The place to buy lekor a bit stinks but hey lekor at Terengganu is the best lekor. For me, the boiled lekor taste better than the fried lekor. Lekor also best eaten when deep fried, crispy outside, chewy chewy inside. And last but not least after we bought the lekor they gave us some special chillies sauce to dip in it. Delicously simple!
Thanks A lot to Orang Ganu Kiter.. Especially Jazman and his pretty mom! Sedaplah your mom masak. We've really enjoyed the food. ;)
Marang fishing village can be seen from the bridge crossing over Sungai Marang. At the end of the bridge having crossed from the south side is a little dirt road leading into a fishing village where the fishermen park their boats and where they unload their catch. For photographer, this is a fine place to capture some amazing picture.
Pasar Payang is a must-visit place. Located just a few minutes walk north along the pier from the inter city bus station and Located just by the Sungai Terengganu. It is the lifeline of Kuala Terengganu and one of the most popular tourist spots in Terengganu, for shopping and also to have a taste of life in Terengganu. Me? Shoppinglaaa! Apa lagi.. Hihi!
So! What about keropok lekor? Semua pun tahu kan kat sini memang famous dengan lekor.
The place to buy lekor a bit stinks but hey lekor at Terengganu is the best lekor. For me, the boiled lekor taste better than the fried lekor. Lekor also best eaten when deep fried, crispy outside, chewy chewy inside. And last but not least after we bought the lekor they gave us some special chillies sauce to dip in it. Delicously simple!
Thanks A lot to Orang Ganu Kiter.. Especially Jazman and his pretty mom! Sedaplah your mom masak. We've really enjoyed the food. ;)
Perjalanan kami ke sana hujan. Sejuk!! At 7.30 a.m.
Petronas proud.
Nasi Dagang walaOwei!
Qiesya: I want that too papa..
At Airport with Jazman while waiting Cheng Ho
View from our room at **** hotel :)
Breakfast at 8 a.m.
Me, Qiesya, Fuzah, Aisy Hafiy :D
Qiesya yang Kpoo...
Aisy Hafiy: Mummy Aisy want to swim..
Qiesya yang langsung tak menghiraukan pun akan sekelilingnya. ZZzz..
Syiok- syiok!
Makan laagi!
Cheng Ho's Family
My Fam ;)
1/19/2012 12:43:00 am
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
♥ Makan at Chillis!
Makan! Makan! And makan again..
Assalamualaikum.. Hellow darling! Hows ya new year? Harap semuanya baik dan lebih baik dari tahun yang lepas.
Weekend adalah hari saya untuk makan sedap- sedap. Weekdays kan dah tak makan nasi (diet), so weekend je la boleh makan special sikit.. Hee..
So, kali ni Hang Tuah bawa saya ke Chillis. (sengih angkat kening.)
Actually.. Hang Tuah and Me memang suka monterey chicken kat Chillis. The chicken is very juicy and the mashed potato is very walah! So cheezy and yummy!
So, kali ni Hang Tuah bawa saya ke Chillis. (sengih angkat kening.)
Actually.. Hang Tuah and Me memang suka monterey chicken kat Chillis. The chicken is very juicy and the mashed potato is very walah! So cheezy and yummy!
Qiesya: Milk! Milk! Milk!
Hubby: Ala sayang.. Sayang.. Tak payah susu lah. Kita makan monterey chicken je harini.
Chilli's monterey chicken is delicously simple! Macam tak cukup je... (Hihi!) We want more! We want more!
After makan, we went to ISETAN and I bought this. ;)
Lepas shopping. Kami lapar balik dan kami telah singgah di Bisou bake shop! For more information please click HERE.
Red Velvet cake always my fav selection. ;)
1/10/2012 03:56:00 pm
Monday, 9 January 2012
♥ Victoria Station Walah!
Assalamualaikum! Hellow pembaca semua. 2012 and viktoleeya stasiiyoon..
Kay darling! Sehari sebelum tahun baru haritu Me, Mr. Hang Tuah, Cheng and his lovely wife telah pergi ke Empire Soho dan brunch di Victoria Station. Actually, I want to try the lobster. Saya tak pernah makan lobster. Haha.. Sad kan.. So my hubby bawalah ke sini untuk makan live atlantic lobster! Whoaa.. Macam best je. Tapi sayangnya yg fresh semua da habis tinggal yang frozen je. But tak apalah kan makan yang frozen pun namanya tetap lobster jugak. So, kami pun orderlah....
Haa! Ni lah. Makanan yang kami order. Nampak macam sikit je. Tapi bila dah makan kenyang gilerr.. Not bad laa rasa dia. Memang sedap!! Can see the cream? Haa fav! Fav! Fav! Freaky yummy kottt!
So, the soup also is very delicous one! We've choose cream of wild mushroom. Double Sedaapp! ;)
Kay darling! Enjoy your meal... Tak sabar betul nak rasa lobster masa ni. Hihi..
So, this is our family. Mr. Hang Tuah, Laksmana Cheng Ho and his wife and ME with the pinky baju!
After makan and sembang about new year's eve kami pun berangkat ke Empire Soho untuk shopping. Cheng bought his Arbutus (watch). Mr. Hang Tuah said that he want to buy a sling bag. But pilih- pilih lepas tu tak jadi nak beli. Then the next day I saw his bag at the table and said. "Burberry! patutlaa sengih- sengih.." Dalam hati.. Jelezz!
Guys.. Kalau You all nak tahu kat mana yang ada Victoria Station click HERE.
Guys.. Kalau You all nak tahu kat mana yang ada Victoria Station click HERE.
Macaron lemon taste, always my fav selection.
1/09/2012 08:41:00 am
Thursday, 5 January 2012
♥ Spaghetti Ala Planet Hollywood
Assalamualaikum! Welcome! Welcome! Welcome 2012! First of all. Thank U for singgah my blog. Kay darling! This is my 2nd menu that i wanna share. Spaghetti Bolognese ala Planet Hollywood. ^_^
Actually, menu ni adalah dari salah seorang ex-manager di Planet. He's my husband's cousin. Olehsebab terlalu nak sangat makan spaghetti kat planet and for meanwhile planet kan dah tutup. So, I asked him and his wife how to make spaghetti ala planet hollywood. But don't worry, I make it simple.
Cubalah! ;)
Serves: 5
- 30 g butter
- 1 packet spaghetti
- 5 tbsp cooking oil
- 15 stalk chilli
- 3 onions, finely diced
- 5 clove garlic, finely chopped
- 3 sticks celery, finely diced
- 500g mincemeat
- 2 x cans Spaghetti sauce-Original (*Prego)
- 1 can mushrooms, finely diced (*Additional)
- 1 bay leaf (*Additional)
- Salt and Sugar
- Parmesan cheese (*Additional)
How to make the sauce?
1. Heat the cooking oil in the large saucepan over a medium heat.
2. Add the onion, garlic, chilli, and celery and fry for about 5 minutes or until tender.
3. Add 2 x cans Prego's spaghetti sauce, fry about 1 minute.
4. Stir in the mincemeat and stir fry until the meat is evenly brown and crumbly.
5. Add the mushrooms and bay leaf.
6. Lightly season with salt and sugar. Dan... Siap! ;)
How to prepare the Spaghetti?
1. So, just before You are ready to serve. Drop the spaghetti into a pan of boiling about 10 minute. (Well it depends on the spaghetti. Rasa dulu sama ada ia lembut atau pun tak sebelum angkat.)
2. Drain throughly.
3. Heap into a serving plate.
4. Add the butter and parmesan cheese.
5. Toss well and serve with the sauce!
SO this is the picture of the PREGO
The Spaghetti
In the saucepan
The sauce!
And.. There u have it!
Sorry, hiasan ala kadar je. But, guys especially girls U should try it!
Simple and easy kan.
Kay darling. That's all..
1/05/2012 01:10:00 pm