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Monday 2 July 2012

♥ Majlis Berendoi Nur Qiesya Durrany Mohd Naszri


Hi Darling!
(I update picture Qiesya)

Memory sweet February ;)

Actually Majlis ni pada 25th February 2012. I update picture je. :D

Sebelum balik hometown haritu I ada ingatkan hubby,

"Kita tak payah ambik photographer ke sayang?" 

Then he said "Tak payahlah. Kamera kita kan ada.. Ambik gambar sendiri je. Membazir je ambik photographer. Lain lah kalau wedding.." 

Oh! Okkayyy... Walaupun dalam hati rasa macam tak puas hati sebab majlis berendoi yang pertama kan. He! He! Tapi terpaksa akur.. 

We went back to Muar on friday. Awal sehari for the preparation for the next day. Ditemani oleh Lynn and Israf. Barang2 Qiesya banyak sangat terpaksa mintak tolong diorang angkut sekali sikit. 

We reached a bit late from Shah Alam. Ummi dengan abah dah tidur dah. Tapi bila kitorang sampai je mata diorang segar bugar nampak Qiesya. 

"Qiesya!... RIndunya Atuk Ummi dengan Qiesya.. " Ummi said.

Tu lah. Dulu I balik peluk I dulu. Sekarang dah ada baby peluk cucu dia dulu baru peluk I. Hehe. Tak apalah as long as Ummi happy. ;)

Keesokan hari Majlis start pada pukul 2 petang. After Zohor. Lepas siap2 I terus keluar dari bilik nak tengok hubby tolong orang susun meja kat depan rumah. Tiba2..

" Sayang! Kawan sayang dah sampai.. " Hubby said.
" Huh.. Siapa sayang? " 
" Look at your right.. " Sambil tunjuk- tunjuk kat sebelah kanan I.
" Adib! " 

Adib tengah ambik gambar buaian berendoi Qiesya. Tegezut saye! 

" Abang Naszri mintak tolong ambil gambar Qiesya harini. " Adib said.
" Huh... Ya Allah. Yati tak tau langsung pun! " I tersenyum then terus lari kat hubby. Lepas tu hubby pun lari sebab tak nak I cubit dia.  
( Dah macam hindustan pulak rasa main lari2.. Kikikih) Israf dengan abang Naz pelik je tengok kitorang masa tu.

Me: Sayang kenapa tak bagitau awal2 ada photographer?
Hubby: He! He! Surprise.... ( Sambil tersenyum- senyum)
Me: (Senyum panjang lebarrrrr..) Thank you sayang.. Love U sangat2! Selalu betul buat surprise! :))

Those are the picture. :D
Oh.. Ya! Photography by ArfengWork 
Buaian by Mawarni Buaian Berendoi

Itsa baby girl!

 Qiesya happy!

Bacaan Yassin and Marhaban

Qiesya sayang...

Qiesya with her gown

Aunty loves Qiesya.

Kasih Atuk Ummi :)

Me sistah!

Papa and Mama Loves You

Happy Family. Amin..

Qiesya with red petals

We laughed

Ipad 2


She laughed!



Aiyak! Ngantuk oledi...


Apam Polkadot

Angry Birds yang awesome.

Hihi. Will update U untuk majlis aqiqah Qiesya pulak nanti. :)

Special thanks to My Hubby, My Ummi & Abah, My Sista and My Brother. Abang dan kakak ipar. A Million thanks to Lynn & Israf, Nash, Wawa for the buai and Adib for the great picture. Thank You so much kepada mereka yang telah hadir memeriahkan lagi majlis.
Nek Mah, Atuk Andak, Uncle, aunty, cousins, and orang kampung
U're Rawk! ;)

7/02/2012 07:19:00 pm


    I'm Nurhayati Abd Malek
    Well Life is too short to be sad kan.
    So.. Happy lah while U can
    while U still breath. ;)


    ♥ LETS CLICK! ♥



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