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Thursday, 11 August 2011

♥ No more fake smile ;)


Bila jalan- jalan kat shopping complex sekarang ni semua dah pasang lagu raya. Seronok betul! Rasa macam dah raya pula. Ramai betul orang yang berpusu- pusu untuk beli baju raya dan kuih raya. Kalau kat KL area masjid india, pukul 8pm je dah penuh orang sampai jammed. Memang dah jadi kebiasaan kan bila raya je mesti nak kena beli baju baru, kasut baru, semualah baru! Kalau tak baru tak sah lah.. Oh, ye! Buat masa ni aku masih belum lagi beli baju untuk raya. Cuma sekarang tengah seronok tengok orang- orang yang sedang membeli. Happy je kan! ;)

Tahun ni aku beli baju pregnant je untuk raya. Tak dapat nak pakai baju kurung. Tapi tak apelah kan. Berita dapat tahu yang aku bakal jadi mama tak lama lagi lebih seronok dari pakai baju kurung. Hihi! Alhamdulillah. Rezeki dari Allah.. Setelah banyak dugaan dan cabaran kami tempuhi bersama, akhirnya segala doa kami diperkenankan jua dan dipermudahkan oleh-Nya bagi segala kesusahan itu. Berkat doa dan usaha yang tak pernah putus asa, Alhamdulillah.. Ada hikmahnya di sebalik setiap kejadian yang berlaku. Aku amat bersyukur ke hadrat Illahi. Abah pun sekarang dah bertambah sihat. Dah boleh happy macam dulu. Walaupun banyak lagi yang belum selesai, tapi aku dah boleh tersenyum sekarang. No more fake smile. :D

Friends? As i said many of friends now are scattered around the world. Hrmm.. Susah jugak nak jumpa walaupun stay 1 KL. Semua ada komitmen masing- masing. But, yeah ada juga yang selalu keep in touch melalui facebook dan twitter.  Bayangkan kalau tak ada facebook, susah juga kan? Kadang- kadang tu bila dah terjumpa kat mana- mana, selain tanya hp number yang baru mesti nak kena tanya "U ade FACEBOOK tak? Nanti i add u ok". So, in the nutshell facebook tersangatlah penting buat masa sekarang ni. 

Owh! Group 31, ex-student KPJ's College katanya ada mengadakan majlis berbuka puasa ala- ala reunion sabtu ni. Mesti best! Rindu kat dia orang. Tapi sayang aku tak dapat nak hadirkan diri atas sebab- sebab tertentu. Hope mereka semua enjoy di majlis berbuka tersebut.

Terfikir juga sewaktu masih kerja dulu. Banyak kenangan pahit dan manis masa tu. Ada yang suka, marah, benci, cemburu dan apa saje lah.. Tapi semua tu dah jadi memori. Kat sini, aku nak Minta maaf kepada mereka yang pernah terasa hati atau terguris perasaan terhadap aku. Perkara yang baik semuanya datang dari Allah S.W.T dan yang buruk hanyalah dari diri saya sendiri. Mungkin kadang- kadang kita tak perasan dan tak sengajakan. Harap dimaafkan sempena bulan yang indah ini. :)

Ok! Aku rasa sampai sini saja dulu.. It's time for me and my baby to sleep. Good night! 



8/11/2011 01:50:00 am

Friday, 5 August 2011

♥ Baby begin, the 9th month of pregnancy

**Indahnya ciptaan Allah S.W.T

This is created esspecially for My Husband and My baby. And for my Ummi. Terima Kasih kerana melahirkan serta membesarkan saya tanpa rasa penat dan jemu.. Tak terhitung rasanya pengorbanan seorang Ibu yang telah melahirkan anaknya. Hanya Allah yang dpt membalas jasamu Ummi. 
You are my soul
Love the video.. :')

8/05/2011 09:43:00 pm

♥ Nak Berbuka tak tau kat mana? Ni lah tempatnya!


Ramadan. Oh! Gester juice attack my stomach when i saw 1 picture from Facebook. It's Murni Restaurant at 53, Jalan SS 2/75, Petaling Jaya, 47300 Selangor, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Bestnya kalau dapat berbuka kat sana hari ni kan. 

Well, Murni Restaurant is the one of the only restaurant in town that serves fusion, custom-made food Indian, Malay, Chinese, Western, and Italian. Best kan? Concerned about the price? Murni is known for its generous also incredibly delicious food portions & fordable pricing all about. This is all about Murni Restaurant:

Murni @ SS2 : 8.00 AM - 5.00 PM ; 6.00PM - 5.00AM (Closed Mondays)
(53, Jalan SS 2/75, Petaling Jaya, 47300 Selangor.)

Murni @ Aman Suria : 8.00 AM - 3.00 AM (Closed Mondays)
(2-1, Jalan PJU 1/3D, Sunway Mas Commercial Centre,
Petaling Jaya, 47301 Selangor.)

Murni @ USJ : 11.00 AM - 2.00 AM (Closed Mondays)
(39-41, Ground Floor, Jalan USJ 9/5P, Subang Business
Centre, Subang Jaya, 47620 Selangor.)

Murni @ Kepong : 11.00 AM - 1.00AM (Closed Mondays)
(24, Jalan Metro Perdana 8, Taman Usahawan Kepong
Utara, 52100 Kuala Lumpur.

Murni @ Mentari : 8.00 AM - 2.00 AM (Closed Mondays)
(No 12, Jalan PJS 8/13, Dataran Mentari, Petaling Jaya,
46150 Selangor.


8/05/2011 04:43:00 pm

♥ Ternyata-Melly Goeslow


terfikir olehku saat kumerenung
melambungkan benci tanam di hatiku

surtout pense pas de mal de moi de mon romantisme
taimer si fort toujours si loin dans la volie tu vois

kau bisa menyayang seperti layaknya
pria mencintai seorang wanita

ternyata aku cinta dan kutakut kehilangan dirimu yang kukasihi

ternyata kaupun mencintai aku lebih dari yang kufikir sebelumnya


8/05/2011 03:12:00 pm

Thursday, 4 August 2011

♥ I'm about nothing to do.

Semua yang bakal bekerja esok confirm dah lelapkan mata mereka. Aku je yang tak dapat nak lelap- lelap lagi.. Haizz... Baby je dapat teman sementara tunggu hubby balik. Ahh! She's kicking.. I love U Sayang. Teman mama ok. ;)

8/04/2011 10:08:00 pm

♥ Kenangan Itu Indah!

We reached a bit late from Setia Alam. Semuanya gara- gara tidur lambat malam tadi. Borak panjang sampai terlupa nak tidur. Thank God Muar is not far as JB. At first i'm planning to chill out at KL with kak Sue bila dia sampai dari Penang nanti, but our plan has to change memandangkan ummi & abah ajak balik ke kampung pada minggu tu.

Kak Sue was my senior at the college. She's so tiny cute. Hihi! Back at 2008, can't remember the date. I was at JB with my group for practical. We were on the same group for practical at that time.  We always play futsal and sat together talked about life and huha huha perkara yang merepek. Hehe! Kelakar betul masa tu. Paling tak boleh lupa masa kantoi ponteng practical sama- sama. Well, She's a nice and very funny person. 

So.. As we met each other, she's smiled at me. We hug and we cried. Lama tak jumpa kan. Rindu! :)

MUAR, what are so special about Muar? She asked me. Of course lah the food! Makan satay pagi- pagi, asam pedas, mi bandung, mi rebus, yong tau foo and also murtabak daging. Heaven! Hah? Makan satay pagi- pagi? Weird but itulah yang unik.. Tapi... Dia nak makan tom yam? Haha! No doubt lah Kak Sue. 

But before that apa kata kita pergi tengok sun rise dulu jap? ;)

We reached home at 12pm. Banyak juga shot yang cantik- cantik kat sana. Pagi kan.. Sejuk je.. 

**Potong daging sampai patah pisau. Haha!

Two Thumbs Up!٩(•̮̮̃-̃)۶

8/04/2011 06:32:00 pm

♥ Model FAREEDA 2011

Model FAREEDA 2011 bermula. I'm actually looking for any job while waiting to continue my study. Kak Linda asked me to joined the contest "Model FAREEDA..Nyata Jelita 2011". At first I was very shocked because the model should wear the scarf from Fareeda brand while I'm still free hair and plus I don't have any experience to catwalk as a model. But after a few days I'm start thinking that maybe I should join the contest. Daripada duduk rumah tak buat apa baik buat something kan. So, I asked permission from my husband and he looked very happy because he said at least i won't feel boring while he's working.

The 2nd day I started read Fareeda's blog and Facebook to know how to join the contest. E-mail nama & gambar. Oh, senang! Done! This is the shot for Model Fareeda 2011.

After a week, I'm so excited to see the newspaper. Oh, it's me! And I got it! Couldn't imagine how i feel right now. Max happy! Thanx a lot to my sister Isabella Monalisa Elzoughbe and esspecially to my husband. Walaupun baru je semi-final tapi ini pun dah cukup untuk penuhkan masa2 yang terluang di rumah. 

Ternyata tudung FAREEDA selain daripada nampak kemas dan anggun ianya memang sangat selesa. Bila I dah berhijab I rasa lain sangat. Lebih selesa, smooth dan kemas. Mulai dari saat itu I teruskan dengan berhijab. Alhamdulillah.. Syukur Allah telah menyedarkan I. Kenangan manis yang telah membuatkan 1 perubahan besar yang mendalam bagi diri I. 
Thank U Kak Isabella, Husband and FAREEDA. And of course Thank U ALLAH for show me the way. :')

**Newspaper Kosmo 2011, can't remember the date.

P/s: Daripada berhijab semata2 untuk masuk contest lebih baik berhijab terus keran ALLAH. Alhamdulillah..  I realize now. :)

8/04/2011 03:57:00 pm

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

♥ A Little Memory at Star Cruise

This is an old picture when I was 21 Years Old. It was my first time to be on the cruise. Memang best giler! Enjoy the pic.. ;)

**I wont forget how hard to be on the Cruise. But finally I can!

8/03/2011 09:50:00 pm

♥ Preparation for Ramadan has reminded me

Preparation for Ramadan has reminded me of my own college life. It was a time my life where i've gained many funny, stupid and educational experience that i appreciate and laugh over thinking back now. Yang paling best masa tu, berbuka puasa dengan maggi and susah betul nak bangun sahur.

Most importantly, college was a time in live that taught me to stand on my own two feet and meet many new friends who are now dear friends to me.

Convocated on 2009, I was full of energy, bursting to face the next chapter of my life. Having a memorable convocation, recalling connecting of our graduation gown, nursing cap, and how the gown was too big and the nursing cap keep slipping from my head until I think it's better if i'm not wearing the cap. Taking the graduation pictures with my classmate and lecturers was a memory that i cherish.

Many of friends now are scattered around the world, living their life to the fullest and we do meet ocassionally where we hug and cry and update each other as much as we can. We are really glad to each other to share all the ups and down. Rindu betul!

Everytime after sahur, berbuka puasa and go for tarawikh, we know that Hari Raya Aidilfitri just not very far ahead. Tak sabar nak beraya ke rumah kawan- kawan nanti. Looking forward to lots smiles.. I miss all of them!

Thank you Mom & Dad..  

8/03/2011 01:40:00 pm

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

♥ Resepi di Bulan Ramadan

Satay Goreng Resepi Ummi

Sempena di bulan Ramadan ini Yati kongsikan sedikit resepi dari ummi untuk semua! ;)

Bahan- bahan:

2 kilo Daging lembu cuci, dan tos. (dipotong nipis dan kecil)
3 sudu besar Ketumbar (sangar dan di blender)
1 sudu Jintan Manis (sangai dan di blender)
1 sudu Jintan Putih (sangai dan di blender)
2 sudu Serbuk kunyit
2-3 Senduk Gula pasir
6 Batang Serai (di blender)
2 sudu kecil garam (secukup rasa)
3 senduk Minyak masak

Cara- cara:

1. Gaulkan daging dengan serai, gula, serbuk kunyit, ketumbar, jintan manis, jintan putih yang telah di sangai dan di blender. Perap selama 1 jam.

2. Panaskan minyak di kuali secukupnya. Masukkan semua daging yang telah diperap tadi. Biarkan sehingga empuk. Apinya mestilah sederhana saja. (Jika masih belum empuk, tambahkan 1 cawan air sehingga daging empuk). 

3. Setelah naik minyak, lebih enak jika dibiarkan satay daging berkuah sedikit.

4. Hidangkan bersama ketupat nasi, timun, bawang dan sambal kacang. Perfect!

Selamat Mencuba!

8/02/2011 10:36:00 pm

♥ Salam RAMADAN AL-MUBARAK to All the Muslim

First of all, terima kasih kepada semua yang telah sudi bertamu di sini. I just went back from my hometown, Muar for berbuka puasa with my parents. Cuaca sangat baik dan cantik harini.

Ramadhan is back! Ummi asked me wether I can fast or not tomorrow because I'm pregnant and she scared that the baby won't have enough vitamin from her mother. Mestilah puasa! Don't worry the baby still can get enough vitamin from me even I'm fasting. Ummi senyum je. Ye la takut nanti tak larat pulak kan.. My mom a bit worry. Hihi. 

So, as we all know Ramadan is the 9th month of an islamic calendar. The month of Ramadhan usually starts with the sighting of the new moon which marks the beginning of the 9th month of the islamic calendar.Traditionally, this method is being used to fix the date of Ramadan as stated in the Al-Quran, and was followed by the Prophet Muhammad. 

Ramadan is one of the holy festivals which the Muslims celebrate every year with a month of fasting and prayers. They not only pray to god for themselves but also request the almighty to shower his blessings on their loved ones. Waktu ni jugalah ramai di antara mereka yang ingin merapatkan kembali serta mengeratkan lagi silaturahim di antara rakan- rakan dan keluarga. And it’s the time when they send warm wishes to their dear ones, thus hoping that they enjoy good luck and prosperity. Memang banyak kebaikannya di Bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak ni.

Some of the Muslims are so devoted that they spend the entire night praying. Muslims visit mosque and prayer during the entire Ramadan month. Apart from the daily five prayers during Ramadhan, Muslims recite Tarawikh prayer also called the Night prayer. Masa ni jugalah semua banyak menghabiskan malam- malam mereka di rumah bersama keluarga tersayang. During the night they spend the night for tarawikh and family and get to fast the next morning.

According to Islam, Ramadan fast is the way when a Muslim can devote himself to god truly without giving much concern to other activities of the day. Semoga kita akan perolehi lebih keberkatan pada RAMADAN kali ini. INSYA'ALLAH....


8/02/2011 11:34:00 am

Monday, 1 August 2011

♥ Wedding At Royale Bintang, Seremban.

26 September 2010

After a week at Muar, Johor we'd planned the wedding at Royale Bintang, Seremban. I'm still tired yet happy we are going to have 3rd session at there. CiptaKarya photograpy and our Videoman, Sam & friends memang banyak membantu kami ketika ini. Thanks guys!

Again the make up was by WaWai Bridals. He always made me happy with the make up. His touch was amazingly gorgeous!

I Love You Mom! Terima Kasih atas segalanya..
Uncle Andak and Auntie Andak which is always give us some good advice for our wedding.
**Al-Fatihah to Allayarhamah Ibunda tercinta Rahimah Bte Md. Sheriff and 
Allayarhamah Ibunda Hamidah (Auntie Andak) Semoga roh mereka di tempatkan bersama orang yang beriman.
Mohd Naszri & Nurhayati

8/01/2011 04:04:00 pm

♥ Wedding at Muar, Johor.

      Been busy with wedding is a very great memories for me. Lots a thing to be done here and there. Extremely tired but Happy! Alhamdulillah.. After nikah at 10am I felt very excited to be at the 2nd session, atas pelamin. Nervous tak payah cakap but i managed to pretend it cool though. Lots A Memories..

The make up was by Teja Make Up Artist. It takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes to make my day perfect before the wedding.

Memang tak dinafikan, Johor mengamalkan adat yang dipanggil tol. 3 kali tol kena bayar. Ingatkan dari Seremban ke Muar je yang kena tol. Nak masuk dalam rumah pun kena tol jugak. Hehe! Well, itulah yang lebih menyeronokkan!

It was real fun. Walaupun di Muar serba sederhana but i felt very satisfied with all. Thanks A lot to all my family members esspecially my parents, sister, brother, uncle Usop, uncle Andak and auntie andak. And again we went to Tanjung Ketapang for the last snap for post wedding session. 

8/01/2011 03:48:00 pm


    I'm Nurhayati Abd Malek
    Well Life is too short to be sad kan.
    So.. Happy lah while U can
    while U still breath. ;)


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